Thursday, February 23, 2006

What has happened?

Without saying anything derogatory about any specific religion or sect or belief, I am distressed that violence based upon religious beliefs has gone insane. Am I the only one who simply cannot believe that people (by my last count, over ten people) have died over a CARTOON.

Now I read of a religion destroying the places of worship of the very same religious persuasion
as that of the attackers.

Now history is filled with violence and death based upon religion. The crusades is a perfect example. The belief that one's religion is superior to another person's religion has a long and deeply troubling history.

But it troubles me that modern civilization (Not western and not Judeo-Christian) has not spoken up and /or done anything to shed light on what can only be described as a Middle Ages mentality.

Where is that religions' Ghandhi? Martin Luther King? Is there no place in that religion for non-violent protest? How long must we wait for a leader to come forward and say this is not what is supposed to be?

What Has happened?

Shalom. Jeremy

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