Tuesday, September 19, 2006

A Happy, Healthy, Joyous and Sweet New Year

As Rosh Hashanah quickly approaches, I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone the very best this 5767.

Some thoughts....

As a very good friend of mine likes to say "Life is not easy."

No, it is not easy. But if we can survive the daily slings and arrows that occur everyday and take a moment or two to remember all the joys of life, family and friends and count our blessings, then maybe, just maybe, the slings and arrows of daily life will be more tolerable and less significant.

If we can truly make an effort to see the glass as half full, instead of nearly empty, if we can try and search for the good in people as opposed to highlighting their foibles, and if we can savor each and every moment G-d has given us on this earth, then maybe, just maybe, 5767 will be a year of both personal as well as community fulfillment.

I have been told that when you capitalize on internet writing it is a type of yelling. So



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