Monday, April 14, 2008

A FHC press release sent last week regarding antisemitism at Mohegan Park Jewish Center

First Hebrew Congregation of Peekskill stands in solidarity with the members of The Mohegan Park Jewish Center in Lake Mohegan as well as sympathetic Christians, Jews, Muslims and individuals of all races, religions and nationalities who abhor racism, discrimination, anti-Semitism, bias crimes and violence in our country.

First Hebrew Congregation of Peekskill firmly supports the rights of all individuals to worship in peace without fear of harm and the desecration of their respective houses of worship. It is a sad commentary that racism continually rears its ugly head. As fellow Jews in Northern Westchester we denounce all acts of anti-Semitism as well as bias crimes against all people.

Let us work and stand together as a unified voice for all people who believe in religious freedom and the right as American citizens to pray and worship in peace without fear from elements of society that disrespect this truly American ideal. First Hebrew Congregation of Peekskill calls upon all religious organizations in our community to voice their opposition to such insidious conduct and to call for our elected officials and law enforcement to work together to fight this criminal and un-American blight in our community.

Jeremy Krantz, President
First Hebrew Congregation of Peekskill


Unknown said...

These acts will continue until these perpetrators are prosecuted and not let off easy as they usually are. When school leaders and other authorities say things like "they didn't understand what they were doing" as in the case of the cross burning several months ago. The school superintendant said just that.

What ever happened to those kids that were arrested in that case? You don't hear bout that.

It's said when when these crimes are being committed by younger and younger perpetrators. And another thing, what is taking the police so long to decide if this was a hate crime??? I think the swaztika and destruction of religious items should give them a clue.

2 of these girls were charged as felonies. Do you think they will see jail time???

JEREMY said...

Thank-you for your comments. I agree that our society likes to sweep things under the rug, so to speak. We must be vigilant in out efforts to stop this conduct.

Noah said...

I think this is such a offense to the Jewish community, not just that but the whole country. They should get 40 years plus jail time. They should also have to build a whole new temple with their own money. This makes me sick