Friday, July 15, 2005

A Summer Shabbat

Well, I guess you could say that we are truly in the middle of the summer of 2005 and this is another summer Shabbat.

Last I checked (since I have not been outside since about 1:00pm and it is now almost 4:30pm) , this is a warm and muggy Friday afternoon.

Maybe, as a change of pace, I am going to suggest to my beloved that we eat a Shabbat dinner outside and light the candles and say the prayers outside as the summer sun begins to set. Maybe, we will watch the sunset and think about the events of the week gone by and the weeks to come.

Life is extremely busy and Shabbat is an opportunity to step back from what one can call the "daily rush".

So, on behalf of my family, have a calm and relaxing Shabbat dinner with your family/friends.

Shabbat Shalom. Jeremy

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