Thursday, April 06, 2006

"Have you no sense of decency"

"(Roy)Cohn: No, sir.
(Special Counsel) Welch: I meant to do you no personal injury.
(Roy)Cohn: No, sir.
(Special Counsel)Welch: And if I did, I beg your pardon. Let us not assassinate this lad further, Senator.
(US Senator Joseph)McCarthy: Let's, let's --
(Special Counsel)Welch: You've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency? "

In one of the most memorable exchanges in the history of the US Senate, if not US history, one attorney had the "cohones" to actually stand up to a bully, US Senator Joseph McCarthy. As you may recall, US Senator Joseph McCarthy was on a witchhunt. Joseph McCarthy was a pathetic specimen for a human being. He, a raging alcoholic, along with others like Richard Nixon and Roy Cohn, teamed up in a conspiracy and used vicious lies and deceit to destroy people's reputations and careers, in a disgraceful attempt to advance their own careers.

"Have you no sense of decency" became part of the lexicon of America and this exchange essentially ended the witchhunt advanced by Joseph McCarthy.

When do the Welch's of the world finally have to raise their voices to the absurd, pathetic Senator McCarthy's and Roy Cohn's of the world?

When does character assassination become something that we, as citizens, find so reprehensible that we decide to rise up against people like the small pathetic Joseph McCarthy who had nothing on his agenda other than to destroy people for his own benefit and advancement.

People like Joseph McCarthy only seek to destroy. They have no desire to repair, rebuild, improve the world.

One attorney, Mr. Welch, with six simple words, spoke to a nation which was in need of decency. Decency, integrity, playing by the rules; these are things we should be striving for, not unilateral character assassination. Not taking the rule of law into one's own hands, with total disregard for proper procedure and due process. Sometimes, decency prevails. G-d willing, decency, and playing by the rules, will defeat the indecency of people like Joseph McCarthy.

Shalom. Jeremy

1 comment:

JEREMY said...

I welcome your comments. Thank-you. Let me respond.

First of all, this blog entry is for thought and discussion. It is and remains an enjoyable activity and not something that will result in a defamation suit being brought against the blogger. I am familiar with the concepts of slander, defamation, libel and there is no way I am, even if I speak the truth, willing to open myself up to someone alleging I crossed the line on this blog. If you want to start your own blow, great. Use my e-mail address and add me to your readers.

If someone reads something into my entries, or someone believes there is something more to this most recent entry that is their opinion.

If there are particular circumstances at FHC where you feel a need for more information, be aware that board meetings of FHC are generally held on the first Tues of every month at 8pm and they are open to members. You can also join numerous committees of FHC which are held throughout the year.

It would also help to come to more events, committee meetings; get more involved. I personally would welcome you to run for the Board of Trustees.

Secondly, since I am an elected board member, I am more than willing to discuss specific issues with members of FHC. That is my job as a board member.

Finally, many people respond to me concerning the blog and want to do it outside the scope of other readers. I also respect that and if you wish to discuss issues with me that way that is fine. Shalom Jeremy