Friday, May 19, 2006

Summer Movies? & Fundraiser to Shock FHC


Last summer we had a free movie series at FHC which received a positive response. As I recall, we showed Fiddler, Exodus and Schindler's List ( I admit not a good choice for a summer movie).

Frankly, I would have liked to have had more movies and more participants. I still would like to have an outdoor drive-in type showing in the back parking lot in the summer, if possible.

If the Youth Group would like to have a special showing, that would be great.

I think we can again show 2-3 movies this summer provided there are movies people are willing to come out and see. If anyone has some suggestions for worthy/enjoyable movies (Jewish related or not) to show this summer, please e-mail me with your ideas.

FUNDRAISER FOR A DEFIBRILLATOR (and improved first aid kit) FOR FHC

Two summers ago we held a fundraiser at my house to raise money for a video projection system and dvd player. The fundraiser raised about $1,500 (at no cost or expense to FHC) and FHC has used the video projection system on many occasions at no cost to FHC. It has even assisted FHC in raising some money from time to time.

This summer my wife and I would like to sponsor another fundraiser (SHOCK FHC) at our house or at FHC to raise money to purchase a defibrillator to be kept at FHC and used in the event of an emergency.

We have been advised by a CPR trainer who strongly recommends that we get this, (and I have checked), that the cost of a defibrillator has come down dramatically, to about $1,000. I propose to have a shocking cocktail party/BBQ or something to that effect and charge $36. per person or $72. per couple. Since my wife and I are going to underwrite the cost of the event, I am soliciting from the blog readers suggestions on dates/theme, decorations, etc. In order to raise this money we only need about twenty-eight people.

Also, since all the donations are made out to FHC and all the money goes to FHC, all donations are tax-deductible. Moreover, once the fundraiser is complete and the money raised, we will have the immediate gratification of getting the defibrillator (and upgraded first aid kit) for FHC.

In contrast to the video projection system, I truly hope we NEVER HAVE TO USE THE DEFIBRILLATOR. However, as I stated in an earlier blog entry, if it is used just once and it helps to save a life at FHC, as the Master Card commercial would say, the value would be PRICELESS.

This event should be a unifying event for everyone at FHC. This is something that everyone should be able to get behind without reservation. (Obviously if you have an issue with this idea, and do not support it, we can set up a list of those individuals that want to be excluded from access to the defibrillator in the event they need it) THAT WAS A JOKE

But truthfully, I would hope that everyone could support this event and help make FHC a safer place for all to enjoy.



Anonymous said...

excellent ideas- love the drive-in. Also, thank you for sponsoring this party which, in the future, might end up saving a life-

JEREMY said...

Thank-you for your comments. Hope to see you at the Event(s).