Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I have previously written about the tremendous benefits FHC gets from its fundraising. Bingo, Scrip, donations, are all important and are part of the lifeblood that keeps the lights on, teachers paid and the grass cut (in no particular order or priority)

Bingo is money generally derived from non-members coming to FHC to play Bingo. We need membership involvement to keep Bingo running and bringing in the revenue it generates!

Scrip is money derived from members getting 100% of their purchase price in the form of gift cards and the processing company provides FHC a percentage from vendors over and above the purchase price. As I have repeatedly stated, this is a no-brainer, and it has a huge potential for thousands of dollars more than what we are currently collecting.

Donations are generally derived from members who wish to give above and beyond their dues requirements. Donations are essential to FHC and if you need to adopt a charity, FHC is ready and it provides excellent documentation of donations for tax purposes.

Advertising for the Journal for our October 21, 2007 50th Anniversary event is money derived from non-members and members who want to place ads or purchase space in the Journal to commemorate the event and/or congradulate the honorees. I cannot emphasize enough the need to solicit ads and/or take out ads for the Journal. We have the original FHC Journal from 1957 and it is packed with ads from vendors, members and friends of members. We need the 2007 journal to be a successful reflection of our efforts. Every member of FHC should purchase an ad and sell ads. The ads sold to non-members HELP KEEP DUES DOWN. It is that simple.

The trustess and officers of FHC have tried to keep dues down and not to impose assessments. Fundraising and especially monies from non-members are critical to FHC. Solicit ads. Purchase an ad and buy your tickets to the 10/21/07 event.

The financial stability of FHC is not the sole obligation of the Board of Trustees or the Executive officers elected by the congregation. It is the obligation of all members.

This is your FHC. Sell and buy ads and attend this event.

It is that simple.



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