Monday, September 07, 2009


When you look around your house do you see Mezuzahs on the doorposts? Do you see kiddush cups in the dining room cabinet? Do you see multiple menorahs? Is your library filled with books about Judaism, and/or by Jewish authors? Do your walls have Jewish artwork and pictures of Jewish events like your children's bar or bat mitzvah? If per chance you do not have this stuff in your house, you need to load up on your Judaica and make your "goyisha" home more Jewish. There is nothing to be afraid of and nothing to be ashamed of if your house lacks the Jewish touch. You can fix that problem by either visiting the Sisterhood Judaica shop, or alternatively, you can go online and "Jewup" your house. (My editor wanted me to add that the term "Jewup" is not meant in a derogatory manner and that it was only meant in jest. My editor also wanted me to add that your home should smell like brisket to help "it smell Jewish".)
I am pleased to say that unless you are completely oblivious to Judaica, you would know immediately that our home is a Jewish home. We have the mandatory Mezuzah at the door, the Judaica in the dining room and the Jewish artwork including Chagall lithographs and photos from bat mitzvahs. Even as I write this in bed on the laptop, I look across the room to a lithograph on the wall that states in Hebrew and in English "In pursuit of Justice".
That saying, I think, sums up one of my core beliefs about why we are here on this planet.
But, on another level, it is my belief that if you are Jewish, and your home does not feel Jewish, you are missing something. You are, in fact "not doing justice" to your home if it does not feel Jewish.
Look around your home. If it needs Jewish "chotkes", get them. Make your home feel and look like a Jewish home to do it justice.


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