Thursday, April 07, 2005

B.I.N.G.O., B.I.N.G.O., B.I.N.G.O. and BINGO was his name O

Thursday night at FHC volunteering for Bingo duty. I write this with anticipation and the excitement of knowing that in just a few hours I will be part of that great tradition of FHC and of numerous other religious institutions throughout America. A great opportunity to fleece people of their hard-earned money by playing a game of chance.

Since our family is responsible for two adult participations per year, and I have done this job for the last 8-9 years already, I know that in all likelihood I will be responsible for selling bingo sheets and whatever else the regulars at FHC direct for me to do.

I generally do not like collecting money and the entire Bingo activity has a somewhat seedy feeling to it. I have yet to see FHC members as active players at Bingo. I mean this is a regular activity we run and there are no FHC particpants. (Maybe we can raise more money by mandating that the membership must not only work two nights a year, but that they must play at least two times a year and spend a minimum of $25. per night.) That additional requirement could raise over $12,000.

Compulsory gambling. I think it is the wave of the future at FHC.


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