Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Some good ideas for future FHC events and things to think about...

As the title indicates, some are stolen, borrowed, new and old. I do not take credit for these items, but I will take credit for putting them here for your review.

1. Summer Jewish Movie series at FHC. We have the Video projection system to show movies on a nine foot screen and there are several mainstream movies that would be appropriate for such a series and maybe a discussion group. Movies such as "Exodus", "Fiddler on the Roof" "Schindler's List", "Jacob the Liar", "The Chosen", and I am certain that there are others that would qualify for such a series. We could even try and have an FHC outdoor movie shown on the side of the building in the parking lot.

2. A cocktail party fundraiser at FHC to honor the last members of the Lakeland congregation and the generous donation of the proceeds from the sale of the Lakeland property. Some of the proceeds to go to a plaque in honor of the Lakeland congregation.

3. For next year's calendar, Sisterhood can sponsor a Father's Day (blueberry pancake) breakfast at FHC to honor the fathers and grandfathers of FHC and Men's Club can do a Mother's day (made to order omelet) breakfast in honor of the mother's and grandmothers of FHC. My wife advises that another congregation held such an event and had over 80 people for the event. If we honor specific individuals such as the oldest father or mother, the press might be interested in attending for a placement in the news. (The foods suggested are merely ideas to get away from the standard bagel or scrambled eggs breakfasts.)

4. The appointment by the Board of Trustees of a Scrip coordinator responsible for purchasing and distributing scrip to raise money for FHC in a simple and painless fashion.

5. A Fiftieth Anniversary Journal dinner dance in September 2007 to commemorate the September 1957 construction of FHC uptown. Planning for such an event should start at least one year prior and there should be separate committees for the dinner, the journal, silent auction, pledge drive, honorees, honorary chairpersons, etc, in order to sell full tables and journal pages/ads.

6. A sports related fundraiser/charity event such as a softball game of FHC players vs. the Youth Group or a walkathon with sponsorship for each mile walked.

7. An off-site card-game competition that has an admission fee and a portion of the proceeds go to a specific fundraising need at FHC such as a new entryway sofa, or a defibrillator on site, or even an outdoor portable basketball hoop. The balance of the proceeds could go to the individual who is the last player still in the game...

8. Whatever happened to Congregant of the month, or even student of the month? We should renew this kind of spotlight and recommend contributions be made in that person's honor for a kiddush or listed in the "Kehilataynu".

1 comment:

JEREMY said...

If there are any pictures of the golf event, or people want to submit something about the golf outing they can send it to me so it can be posted. On behalf of FHC, thank-you to everyone involved with the golf outing. Jeremy