Tuesday, September 27, 2005


On behalf of the Krantz Krew I want to thank the FHC extended family that came through for us in all different ways when the "chips were down". From the donation of blood, (and many offers that were not needed), organization of plans, babysitting, food deliveries, taxi service for my other children, information networking, etc. FHC was there for us. (If ever there was a story to show what a great congregation and extended family FHC is and why people should join us, this is it.) This is what a shul should be about!

Noah's brain surgery went very well. The surgeons removed the majority of two tumors that were essentially in the middle of his brain in a region called the lateral ventricle. While there remains other tumors in Noah's brain, they are not in a precarious position and, hopefully, they will not grow to become life-threatening.

The surgery lasted approx. 6 hours and he was in the PICU for four days and was in the pediatric ward for one day.

We took turns staying with Noah on a 24/7 basis for the entire time. Noah was visited by family and friends and his spirits got much better after approx. the third day in the PICU.

Slowly, the attachments to machines, tubes and monitors were removed.

Now, Noah is on anti-seizure medications and steroids. He remains out of school and we anticipate that he can go back in another week or so.

I have included several pictures of Noah that were taken on the last day in the PICU. (I did not take any pictures prior to that because they were not that pleasant.)

The Noah smile is back .

Thank G-d and the wonderful people who prayed for his health and well-being.

Shalom. Jeremy

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